click on the
registration tab
for instructions
Home of the
Award Winning
EDA Dance
An annual Registration fee of $25.00 (non-refundable) is due at the time of registration as well as the first month’s tuition. Maximum of $40.00 is charged for registration. We do offer sibling discounts.
Tuition is always due the 1st of the month. A late fee of $15 will be applied after the 8th of the month. We accept cash, check and Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, Zelle or Venmo (@elitedanceacademynj) as payment. All checks should be made out to Elite Dance Academy of Marlboro. A $25 returned check fee will be applied to any account whose check is returned. Post-dated checks will not be accepted. After two returned checks, we will no longer be able to accept checks as payment on your account, only cash or credit card. For your convenience, you can make your payment several ways: mail it to the studio address, come to the studio during business hours and/or complete our Payment Authorization Form which allows EDA to automatically charge your card each month.
If you would like to have your credit card automatically charged each month, please fill out the Payment Authorization Form attached to the end of this packet and return it to the office before the first payment is due on September 1st.
You are paying for the total number of lessons per year broken down into nine monthly payments for your convenience. You do not pay for how many lessons are taken throughout the month. The tuition does not increase when there are five weeks in the month and will not decrease if classes are cancelled or the school is closed for a holiday or inclement weather as it is a monthly tuition and not a per class tuition. Make up classes in a comparable level class may be scheduled for those missed classes by contacting EDA. All fees are non-refundable.
Tuition is based on a recital that is in early June (1st or 2nd week). EDA reserves the right to adjust the tuition should our recital be moved to a later date.
Should your dancer no longer want to participate in our program, we do ask that you call or email EDA to inform us. As long as your dancer does not participate in a class within the given month, you will not be responsible for that month’s tuition. However, if your dancer has participated in one class within the month, you will be responsible for that month’s tuition. No exceptions. No refunds/credits towards sibling’s tuition will be issued.
Any dancer whose tuition falls delinquent beyond two months will not be allowed to continue classes until the account is brought back up to date. No make-up classes will be scheduled under this circumstance.
A 5% discount will be given to any account paid in full by cash or check for the 2020-2021 EDA calendar year.
Here at EDA, we are very careful to place each student in an appropriate class where they will be motivated and challenged according to physical ability, individual talent & the number of classes they participate in without them being discouraged or bored. All classes are divided by age & level. Our program is designed to develop self-confidence, memorization skills, discipline & determination! The number of times a dancer participates in class each week can also have an influence on how fast he/she progresses. For example, a dancer who takes 5 classes a week is going to progress at a quicker rate then a dancer who takes 1 class per week. We encourage all of our students to try different genres of dance in order to grow to his/her fullest potential!
We encourage our dance family to instill in their children the philosophy that they are their own individual and will grow as an artist at different rates than other dancers and to not “compete” with their friends and/or worry about what they are or are not being asked to do. With hard work & dedication everyone will reach their highest potential just not at the same rate as others. This is what makes it impossible to keep the same children in the same classes together year after year. Class placement is at the teachers’ discretion. We ask that our parents support EDA in their decisions and to please know that we have your dancers’ best interest at heart. After all, we see them in class week to week and are assessing them through trained eyes! All of our dancers, no matter what level, will benefit from our program as it teaches more than dance technique, it also teaches excellent life training lessons! Our program strives to have our dancers do their personal best and have fun!!
Attendance is key for the dancer to benefit from consistent technique training. Students should arrive on time, or early, and be prepared for class. Coming in late or having to leave early is disrupting to the class and is discouraged. We do understand that there are special circumstances and are happy to accommodate as best we can while not jeopardizing the integrity of class time.
If your dancer will not be in attendance, please call the studio to give us as much advance notice as possible. A make-up class can be scheduled at that time if so desired. No refunds or credits towards future or sibling tuition will be given. EDA reserves the right to cancel a class due to insufficient attendance and will schedule a make-up class.
All make-up classes MUST be scheduled through the office so our dance educators are aware that there will be a dancer in their class from another class and their syllabus can be passed along for them to work on their progressions in that make-up class. Make-up classes must be completed within four weeks of the missed class.
Please refer to our website and/or brochure for all dress code requirements. Absolutely no jewelry may be worn. Hair must always be up and secured away from the dancers face & in a neatly wrapped bun for all Ballet classes. Street sneakers and/or clothes are not permitted to be worn during class time. Baggy clothing is not permitted, as it is important for mobility as well as to ensure proper body placement. If a dancer is not prepared for class, he/she may be asked to sit and observe instead of participating. There will be no make-up, refund or credit given to anyone who observes class due to lack of being prepared for class.
Parents/Drivers should drop off & pick up your dancers on time. EDA strongly discourages all children from waiting outside the studio or in the parking lot alone. We do understand that special circumstances do arise. However, please call the studio to let us know you will be late so we can be sure to have your dancer wait inside the studio with us until you arrive.
We are a paper free studio. All tuition reminders, newsletters & any other important information will be emailed directly to you as well as posted on our website! Please be sure to provide EDA with your correct email address to ensure you receive all notifications. Reminders, newsletters & any other important information will also be posted on the bulletin board in the waiting area.
Please notify EDA of any contact changes such as phone number, address, email and/or any emergency contact information. Also, if you are enrolled in automatic monthly payments, please notify the studio of any changes to your Visa/MasterCard information. It is the parents’ responsibility to make the necessary changes to the account to avoid late fees and/or finance charges.
Please be sure to write your name in all shoes, dance bags & personal belongings. Do not bring valuables to dance class as EDA is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. Cell phones are to be left off or in the vibrate position during class times and are not permitted in class. If there is an emergency, please call the studio and we will be sure to get the message to your dancer immediately!
EDA believes in providing a very positive and nurturing environment for our dancers to grow! Extreme negativity, bullying and/or harassment (including but not limited to social media) will not be tolerated and are grounds for dismissal from the studio. No refunds are issued resulting in dismissal from the studio.
We will not tolerate any unnecessary “Parent drama” (including but not limited to social media). Please be respectful to all students, parents & staff. This is also grounds for dismissal from the studio. No refunds are issued resulting in dismissal from the studio.
Please follow us on social media! We will update our social media for school closings & any important notifications!
Facebook – @elitedanceacademynj
Instagram – @elitedanceacademynj
By signing the attached contract, you are authorizing EDA to use any photos of your child taken for promotional and/or advertising purposes. If you do not wish to have your child’s photo used, a written request must be submitted.
Our end of the year recital is optional but a great opportunity for your dancer to culminate a year of hard work, practice & dedication! There are a few requirements for participation in our recital:
A costume that is chosen by our staff is ordered for your child. A costume deposit of $50.00 per costume is required by November 15th with a signed contract which gives EDA permission to order your child a costume. Any accounts with 4 or more classes will receive a reduced price of $25.00 per costume deposit. This deposit will guarantee your child a costume for our recital and will be applied to the total purchase price of their costume. All costumes are made to order and require an 8 to 12 week turnaround period. It is therefore necessary that we receive this deposit and signed consent agreement by the aforementioned date to insure your child’s costume is ordered and received so they may participate in the recital. Once the costumes have been ordered, the balance of your child’s costumes will be placed on your account as of January 1st. The balance is due in full by March 1st which gives you the convenience of making weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or payment in full. After this date, a finance charge will be placed on your account monthly until your costume balance is paid in full. More information on recital costumes will be outlined in the contract emailed to you which must be signed and returned by the date listed. All costumes are made to order and once purchased are non-returnable, non-refundable.
All students will be measured for costumes beginning on Monday, December 7th – Saturday, December 12th. To insure the most accurate measurement, all dancers should be in leotard and tights or tight fitting clothing. Should your child be absent the week of measurements, please contact the studio to set up an appointment to come in to be measured before we leave for Winter Recess. Costume Measurement reminders will be sent closer to our Measurement dates.
Dress Rehearsal is the most vital preparation for our recital. It will be located at the venue where our recital will be held. All dancers and a parent/guardian must attend Dress Rehearsal. Dress rehearsal allows our dancers the opportunity to practice on the stage they will be performing on for the recital to make sure they are comfortable with their surroundings. We also program lighting and iron out any details that need to be fixed before Recital day.
Recital Tickets must be purchased as the auditorium is assigned seating. More information regarding ticket sales will be sent closer to our ticket sale date.
Recital extras such as flowers, DVD’s & commemorative t-shirts will be available for purchase as well. More information will be available closer to our ticket sale date as well.